Brainstorming Layout
Props- For obvious reasons, we will be using a lot of props in the production of our music video, they will either be to add to the setting and scene of the shot in the video, or they will be an item used by performers or extras, eg. Instruments and other musical equipment.
Mise-en-scene- This will need to be a factor or making the video fit the genre, codes and conventions, look/style and audience. This will involve changing the scene of out chosen location, this could be by using banners/posters, instruments, people, and the dress sense of the people and performers.
Instruments- For our video we will need to acquire the appropriate instruments for the performing sections and shots of the music video. We can get them from a variety of places. Some we already own, some we can borrow off of friends or relatives. If necessary we can even buy them from a charity shop to keep it cheap.
Location- We will need to find a location/locations. For the/each location we will need to make sure it fits the criteria of the following;
-Safety: The location will need to be safe enough to film for longer periods of time, without any risk of injury. I’m quite sure we will not encounter any unsafe locations, although we will make sure if we do find any they will not be used.
-Permission: If we use certain locations, we will need permission from owners or the council. We will try to avoid using these locations as gaining permission can take up time in which we do not have.
-Accessible: We will need to make sure the location is accessible. If it not then it will be awkward to deal with lighting and video equipment, making it unpractical. We will need to make sure we can go to/from the location with as little hassle as possible.
Performers - in the music video are a key part to the effectiveness and flow to the video. There are several factors that we will need to consider when choosing and filming the performers.
Style and appearance- We will need to make sure the performers are appropriately dressed for the filming, in terms of fashion. Having them look the part will make the video more believable and realistic. We are also trying to make the video fit the genre as much as possible so it is easy recognised.
Performance- We will need to make sure the performers can actually perform. If they are camera-shy or too boring, then we wont get the best out of them in our video and the final edit might be boring and seem uninteresting.
Availability- We will need to make sure that the performers are available when we need them. Or if we need to re-shoot anything, we will need to make sure they are available to come back and sort out any part which we need to film again.
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