Saturday, 26 February 2011

The Klaxons - Gravity's Rainbow (Van She Remix)

I like this specific part of the video purely because of the fact that what man wouldnt want four nurses dancing around him when he is ill, it is also completly random as you wouldnt expect it to be happening which is what happens in alot of punk videos, you never know whats next and makes you wonder what on earth is going on.

Calvin Harris - Flashback

I have chosen this specific part purely because it shows the energy of the music and then makes you feel it even more as you are seeing it at the same time, I also like the colour lighting and the smoky effect that the club has going on.

Bloodhound Gang - Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

This still is one of my favorites as how often do you ever see a banana car with Bam driving it with a female builder in the background. For some reason I think these two things go very well together as if there isnt a care in the world about the clashing, its completly random and I like the fact that Bam is completly oblivious that theres a women there.

Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent

For me this shot has humour to it and represents two types of different people. I love the fact that the clown is throwing the robber into the river and how another robber is getting up after being beaten up from before hand, for some reason this shot is really well done in my mind as if its something that would happen every time theres a Clown vs Robber fight.

The Lonely Island - I'm On A Boat

This is great as it has two members from the band standing there saying - Yeah im better then you, I make burgers on a boat, It has alot of humor to it as they seem to not care what any one thinks about them which is what alot of people in punk tend to go by.

JET - K.I.A.

This shot in my mind is amazing as it is representing the war of sexes, males and females killing each other. I think this shot has been set up so well with the use of the blood splurting and the facial expression add quite a lot of comedy to this which is what I like.

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